For the record, Zack peed his pants twice today and pooped in the potty once. I thought the pooping in the potty (2nd time in like a month) was worth the two peeps. He also went outside to play in just a shirt and panties (oops) I mean underwear. He came back in just wearing a shirt and holding his underwear, declaring "Poop."
"where did you poop?" I asked. He pointed outside. I made him show me. He took me into the garden where Noodle was scrounging around. I didn't know if I should believe him but there were skid marks in his Oscar the Grouch undies. Maybe he buried it?
This picture was taken a few days ago, but it's classic Zack in his underwear going outside to play. Notice the padapah (that's twoyearese for spatula) his favorite "toy" and Mommy's shoes.